Planet: Venus

Gender: Feminine(♀)

Zodiac: Taurus()

Element: Water(🜄 )

Rose is a perennial plant that has been around for more than 5,000 years. The Chinese are considered to be the first people to grow roses. Later they started hybridization to create different rose varieties. Today there are more than 150 varieties of roses. Roses are one of the most edible flowers in the world.

Nutrients in roses:- Roses contain Amino acids, Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Zinc, Sodium, Copper Iodine and various enzymes are also contained in rose petals.

According to magic traditions, the rose is associated with the Greek Goddess Aphrodite.

︎︎︎🌹 A few legends about Roses🌹☟︎︎︎

  • The ancient Roman aristocracy grew roses in large public gardens. They also threw rose petals at the feet of the victors in battle, but they did not respect the roses.
  • According to Christianity, they use roses to symbolize the blood and suffering of Christ.
  • Muslims believe that the first rose was born from a drop of Muhammad's sweat.
  • According to Jewish folklore, roses grew at the feet of a woman accused of a crime. So the rose blossomed at her feet to symbolize her innocence.
  • 'Pure rose oil' is an extremely expensive luxury rose product. This rose oil was first produced in 1602 as a by-product of a ceremony held at the wedding of the Persian Princess Nordijan and Emperor DihangiA canal was dug around the garden where the wedding took place, and the canal was filled with rose petals. The couple then got into a boat and floated down the canal. As the water evaporates due to the intense sun heat, the oil in the rose petals floats in the canal. As a result of the rose oil, a nice scent spread throughout the area. The smell was a mental and physical refreshment for the guests. Sources say that the production of rose oil has started since then.

☟︎︎︎ Different meanings depend on the colour of the roses ☟︎︎︎

• Red roses: Express love

• Light pink roses: Thank you

• Dark pink roses: Appreciate

• Yellow roses: Wish happiness, wisdom and

• White roses:  Purity, innocence, and dignity

• Orange roses: Friendship

🌹︎︎︎  The following are some of the purposes of using Rose Water as a bath or Rose Cologne.🌹☟︎︎︎

1.     For beauty work

2.     To unconditional love

3.     To attract positive energy

4.     To relieve anxiety and fatigue

5.     To develop friendly relations

6.     For rejuvenation

☟︎︎︎ Medicinal properties of roses ☟︎︎︎

• Rose water has anti-inflammatory properties. If you have skin diseases like eczema, applying rose water can provide relief. It also brightens the skin and prevents wrinkles.

• It is used to reduce acne, prevent redness and reduce swelling. Roses have antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties.

• When the throat is infected, rinse with rose water. For a long-time throat, infections were rinsed with rose water.

• In case of redness and itching of the eyes, rinse the eyes with pure rose water.

• Massage with rose oil once a week is a good treatment to reduce the symptoms of postmenopausal obesity, body temperature, loss of energy, and fatigue.

• Take a bath in a bathtub with rose petals. It will calm your mind and give you a good night's sleep.

• Soak rose petals in water for about an hour. Then mix with honey andyoghurtt and apply on the face. It then removes unwanted oil from the skin of those with oily skin and balances the oil level.

We find in history that the Persian chef was the first to cook using roses. For those lovers. But the art of eating roses is very popular all over the world today. One of the most popular Turkish products around the world, "Turkish delight" is famous for its rose petalflavourr and aroma.