Palo santo (Bursera graveolens) is a South American tree endemic to Peru, Ecuador, and other nations. It thrives in dry tropical woods and generates very aromatic resin. Palo santo means "holy wood" in Spanish. Wood, resin, and oil have been utilized for therapeutic purposes for thousands of years. It is mostly used to alleviate pain and tension. It is also supposed to dispel bad energies. These statements aren't backed up by a lot of scientific research. Nonetheless, indigenous peoples have been using palo santo for millennia.

Palo santo in various forms

Palo santo comes in a variety of forms. It can be used as follows:

  • Palo santo wood comes in a variety of forms, including sticks, chips, and powder. It's frequently made from the tree's limbs, so it's 100 % wood.
  • Palo santo wood has a highly fragrant resin that may be isolated and utilized separately.
  • Palo santo essential oil may be extracted from the wood and fruit.

Palo santo: How to Use It

Here's how to utilize the many types of palo santo.

Essential oil of palo santo

Palo santo oil can be utilized in a variety of ways, including:

  1. Fill a diffuser or essential oil burner with it.
  2. To create scented steam, place it in a saucepan of boiling water.
  3. Inhale it straight from the bottle.
  4. Apply it to the skin after diluting it with a carrier oil, such as castor oil.

The wood of palo santo

To burn palo santo wood sticks, follow these steps:

  1. Use a candle, lighter, or match to light a palo santo stick.
  2. Hold the stick at a 45-degree angle downward.
  3. Allow 30 seconds for the stick to burn.
  4. Extinguish the flame. Allow the stick to burn in a heatproof dish.
  5. Place wood chips or powders in a heatproof dish when using them. Light them with a lighter or match for 30 seconds, then blow them out.

Never leave incense burning unattended!

The resin of palo santo

You'll need a resin burner, a charcoal disc, and sand for this procedure. In place of the sand, you can alternatively use gravel or any noncombustible material.

  1. Sand should be added to the resin burner.
  2. Using a pair of tongs, pick up the charcoal disc. With a lighter or match, warm one side of the disc. Rep on the other side.
  3. Spread the coals out on the beach. Wait for a thin coating of ash to develop on top.
  4. Pour the resin over the charcoal. The scent of the resin will be released when it melts.
  5. When you're finished, immerse the charcoal in water.

You may also use an essential oil burner with resin and carrier oil.

How to make Palo santo tea easily

Did you know you could make tea out of Palo Santo? Indigenous people make tea from holy wood to boost the immune system and treat colds, headaches, and inflammation. It's an excellent winter tonic for boosting your body's natural defenses. defencesTry this easy recipe and witness the miracle for yourself. Other immune-boosting components, such as ginger or goldenseal, are optional.


  • Shave around 1 tsp. of wood from a stick of THIRD EYE WOOD Palo Santo using a sharp knife. For a stronger tea, add more shavings, but we recommend starting with this ratio.
  • In a tea strainer, combine the shavings and any appropriate "tea" components. (Other teas, like green or chamomile, can be added.)
  • Steep the strainer in a cup of boiling hot water for 5-10 minutes.
  • Remove the filter and, if desired, sweeten with it, honey. (Palo tea has a bitter taste.)
  • Sit back, relax, and heal with a cup of Palo Santo tea prepared from scratch.

Health benefits of Pala Santo

1. Mosquitoes should be avoided

Palo santo has traditionally been used to repel mosquitos. It is also supposed to keep ants, termites, and flies at bay.This assertion may have some merit. The primary constituent of palo santo essential oil is limonene. Because limonene has insecticidal qualities, it is employed in natural insect repellents. However, there is no strong evidence to back up this claim. More study is needed to establish the effects of palo santo on mosquitos.

2. Cold and Flu Treatment

This citrus-scented wood vigorously combats cold and flu germs. Your body can repair and recover faster from these down moments if you recharge your energy levels and increase your blood circulation. A few drops of the essential oil in a bath or shower will help ease cold symptoms including congestion and disorientation. A few drops applied to the heart or chest can help prevent the flu from taking hold.

3. Combating Cancer

Palo santo has cancer-fighting chemicals. These substances protect cells and reduce oxidative stress. The oil extracted from palo santo trees includes phytochemicals that are extremely protective. These phytochemicals inhibit cancer-causing formations in the digestive, endocrine, cardiovascular, and neurological systems. Limonene, the major active component in palo santo, has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. Other essential phytochemicals that prevent cell mutation and tumor development have also been discovered in palo santo oil by Japanese researchers. When addressing lung, breast, and colon cancer cells, these cancer-fighting chemicals made the most progress.

4. Contraindications

Always test the oil on a small patch of skin before applying it to any sensitive places. Research and utilize only reputed brands of palo santo essential oil, since the actual oil is becoming increasingly difficult to find and many counterfeit copies are on the market. Palo santo is a terrific plant for elevating spirits and sparking creativity because it improves your connection with the divine. May your palo santo effort bring you many soul-warming benefits!

Magical Properties of Palo santo

1. Smudging / Cleaning

The smoke of the palo santo tree is extremely potent and is used in many religious rites. Healers, practitioners, and shamans purify the environment for ceremonies using the smoke of a wood stick. The fragrance of burning wood is rich and fresh, with citrus overtones. The palo santo tree is really a member of the citrus family. Many people believe that wood is the most fragrant in the world, and the aroma may enhance our energy levels, creating a profound connection to Mother Earth and heavenly energies. As the wood burns, it clears bad energy and produces a peaceful atmosphere. Local South American folklore claims that it may protect both the home and the soul.

2. Creativity Inspiring

Lighting the very end of a stick of palo santo and blowing it out to smolder adds a creative element to the atmosphere. The aroma of wood enlivens the senses and sparks the imagination. It boosts energy levels and encourages the mind to begin the creative process via clarity and focus.