Planet: Jupiter

Gender: Masculine(♂️)

Zodiac: Aries(♈️

Element: (🜂 )

Cloves are widely grown in Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and Madagascar.

Other names:- Clove Flower, Caryophyllus aromaticus, Eugenia aromatica.

The clove is a sweet spice used in flavouring foods and is a commonly used ingredient in witchcraft. The clove has anaesthetic, antiseptic, and antioxidant properties. Clove essential oil is rich in eugenol caryophyllene and vanillin. The clove is also used in magic as a means of protection against evil spirits. The clove is also a natural cleansing agent that helps keep us away from bad energies and keep good energies around us. The clove is an essential component of amulets used for love and friendship in the Wiccan

1. Strengthen your immune system

Adding cloves to the diet keeps the body healthy. One of them is to strengthen the human immune system. Cloves increase the number of white blood cells in the blood, which helps prevent infections. The vitamin C content of cloves is very helpful for these functions.

2. Stimulate the digestive process

The clove is a very good medicine for people with digestive problems. Cloves secrete more enzymes needed for digestion. It can also be used to prevent constipation or nausea. Cloves are high in fibre, which promotes digestive health and prevents constipation. Eating cloves powder or roasted nuts with honey is a good remedy for stomach ailments.

3. To get rid of a toothache

Cloves have anaesthetic properties. Keep one clove on the tooth where you have a toothache. It can reduce a toothache until you meet a dentist.

4. Makes the liver healthy

The clove is very helpful in the detoxification process of the body by the liver. Eugenol contained in clove oil enhances the activity of the liver.

5. Relieve pain and reduces inflammation in the body

Eugenol contains analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Cloves can be used in two ways as a treatment for headaches.

 1. Mix salt and cloves powder in a glass of milk and drink it. It can be helped to relieve headaches.

 2. The clove soaked in coconut oil can be applied to the forehead and massaged to relieve headaches.

6. Keep your bones and joints healthy

The clove contains Flavonoids, Manganese, and Eugenol, which are beneficial compounds that increase bone density and contribute to bone tissue production. These ingredients provide healthy mineral nutrition to the bones.

7. Cloves are rich in anti-bacterial properties

Research by the University of Buenos Aires found that cloves control harmful bacteria, such as E.coli and Staphylococcuses.

8. Cloves are high in antioxidants

Cloves are high in polyphenols. The main benefits of this micronutrient are lowering cholesterol levels, keeping blood pressure low, increasing arterial function and flexibility, and prolonging life.

9. Helps to control blood sugar levels

The clove is very good for diabetics. Cloves transport the extra sugar in your body to the cells and regulate blood sugar levels.

10. Slows blood clotting

Eugenol in cloves reduces the rate of blood clotting. Excessive consumption of cloves can cause problems for a person undergoing treatment for blood-related diseases. Therefore, it is advisable to add cloves to the diet as advised by the doctor.

Clove oil

Clove oil (or clove oil, as it's often known.) is extracted from a plant that originated in India, just like other natural medicines. Because of its sedative qualities, it is most commonly used in dentistry but it is also available over-the-counter at a local drugstore. One typical application of the herb is to flavour cough and cold medicines so that they are at least drinkable. Although natural consuming too much at once might be fatal or cause serious breathing issues. Before swallowing any pharmaceutical remedy even natural ones, consult with a physician.

☞︎︎︎ Moistures the dry skin

Clove oil is an excellent natural treatment for dry skin. Getting the oil in liquid form and spreading it on your skin with a clean rag is the ideal approach to benefit from this treatment. It's also found in several products designed to help reduce the look of stretch marks, baggy eyes, and puffy skin.

☞︎︎︎ Relief from the pain

Bunions and warts can be relieved with the use of cloves. Apply clove oil to the affected region using a cloth soaked in it. Allow it to sit there for a few minutes or until the pain goes away. Nerve pain can also be relieved by soaking a towel in clove oils or just applying the oil to the skin. Simply press the cloves into the sore area until the skin absorbs them.

☞︎︎︎ Get rid of irritations

Poison oak or poison ivy contact is relieved by clove oil as an active ingredient used frequently. Applying clove oils to skin that is prone to bedsores can also assist to lessen the likelihood of developing them.

☞︎︎︎ To clean metals

To effectively clean a Katana sword (or another metal surface), soak a clean cotton rag in clove oils and wipe it along with it. It also gives it a beautiful sheen that no other product can match.

☞︎︎︎ Improves blood circulation

Clove bud oil, when used in aromatherapy helps to stimulate the brain. The aroma makes you more aware of your surroundings and can even make you feel more energized than usual.

☞︎︎︎ For pest control

Clove essential oil is used by several insect repellent firms as one of the active ingredients in their sprays. Instead of spending money on pest spray, you can use clove leaves or oils that you already have. Planting cloves around the edge of your yard to replace the number of bugs that cross into your yard is one option. You can also rub some of the oils on your skin to keep pests and mosquitoes away.

☞︎︎︎ To produce weed killer products

It may seem strange that this substance is used for so many body functions and is also the main active element in many weed killers. But it's true, and it's also one of the most effective weed killers available.

☞︎︎︎ To defend against bad odours when cooking

When you cook some meals, such as liver and fish, you may notice an unpleasant odour in your home. After cooking, burning clove-scented oils or incense might help absorb the unpleasant aromas and replace them with a more pleasant scent. Cloves can also give flavour to otherwise boring meals. You can use the clove leaves or utilize them in liquid form to add to your cuisine. 

☞︎︎︎ Tocreasf sexual energy

A drop of cloves in your coffee or beverage can provide an extra boost of sexual vigour. Some people believe it's a natural approach to boost sex desire if it's been waning recently.

☞︎︎︎ Reduces abdominal pain

Cloves have long been used to relieve stomach pain. If you consume something that doesn't agree with you, it helps to calm your tensions and improve digestion. To alleviate stomach ache, mix a few drops of the oil into a beverage.