Element: Fire(🜂 )

Planet: The sun

Gender: Masculine(♂️)

Zodiac: Aries(♈️)

Cinnamon is endemic to India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Burma. Sri Lanka occupies a very important place among those endemic countries. Cinnamon is used in the Wiccan tradition for healing, love & sex, brain health, good luck, and cleansing. Cinnamon can also be used in any Rituals in Magic. The smoke from burning cinnamon is used to invite spiritual forces, overcome respiratory disturbances, and arouse lust and love. Cinnamon juice is used in combination with other medicinal and fruit extracts to enhance attraction as well as for sexual arousal. Hanging a bundle of cinnamon near the main door of the house protects it from the negative energy coming into the house. Also, keeping a piece of cinnamon in your wallet will increase your financial fortune. The aroma of cinnamon bark also helps to enhance memory.

Nutrients in cinnamon:- Nutrients of Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Sulphur, and Manganese. It also contains micronutrients such as Vitamin A, Niacin, Pantothenic acid, Pyridoxine, Carotene, Zeaxanthin, Lutein, and Cryptoxanthin.

☟︎︎︎ Medicinal properties of cinnamon ☟︎︎︎ 

  1. Cinnamon also can cause hunger and also relieve indigestion.
  2. Biting a piece of cinnamon can also relieve vomiting and nausea.
  3. Cinnamon teas can remove unwanted body fat.
  4. Helps to eliminate heart defects.
  5. Cleanse the stomach.
  6. Avoid existing obstructions in the respiratory system.

✍︎ Research from the University of Arizona has shown that cinnamaldehyde in cinnamon has anti-cancer properties. This means that cinnamon can prevent DNA damage and cell damage.

☟︎︎︎ Different types of cinnamon ☟︎︎︎

Cassia cinnamon and Ceylon cinnamon are the two most common types of cinnamon. Even though both are gathered in sheets beneath the bark of trees belonging to the same scientific family, they provide very different products. Cinnamon is made from the peels of a Cinnamomic tree's inner bark. The peels are dried out and naturally curl into quills, which are also known as cinnamon sticks. The powdered or processed cinnamon oil, extract, and other cinnamon-related goods are made up of grounded quills.

☟︎︎︎ Forms which cinnamon available ☟︎︎︎

  • Quills - Cinnamon bark in rolled-up pieces is fantastic for steeping in tea, coffee, or hot cider or tossing into a slow cooker with meat. Ceylon sticks are the authentic cinnamon variety of quills.
  • Powder - According to the US Department of Agriculture's MyPlate standards, ground cinnamon bark is the most common type of cinnamon in kitchen cupboards and it's popular to integrate into breakfast items like oats. Ceylon sticks that are soft enough to grind in a coffee grinder can be used to make your own.
  • Essential Oil - (essential oil) Oils derived from the cinnamon tree's bark, leaves, and root bark are utilized for their aroma, flavor, and alleged therapeutic effects. The principal chemical molecule formed from cinnamon bark oil is cinnamaldehyde which gives cinnamon its flavor. Eugenol which is occasionally used as an antibacterial is abundant in leaf oil. Camphor is present in significant amounts in root bark oil.
  • Extract - By soaking cinnamon sticks in ethanol alcohol the extract is made. Then straining off the particles and flavoring with the residual liquid is the process of extract creating. You can buy it or manufacture it yourself.
  • Supplements - These are available in pill and capsule form and are used for a variety of therapeutic applications, tincturing those listed above. It is stated that is healthy to use cinnamon pills for the short term and it is better to use them in significant amounts if it is used not in the short term, sometimes it is said that Cinnamon may cause allergic responses in some people. Usually, in supplements, the quality and ingredients may vary from one manufacturer to the next and even batch to batch. So Before taking cinnamon supplements, it is better to talk to your doctor.

☟︎︎︎ How to identify the type of cinnamon and storing ☟︎︎︎

The way Ceylon cinnamon quills curve distinguishes them from cassia cinnamon quills: The former is shaped like a telescope, whereas the latter is shaped like a scroll and curls inward from both sides. Ceylon cinnamon is tan in color and has a delicate, sweet flavor, whereas cassia cinnamon is reddish-brown in color coarser in texture, and has a more pungent flavor and perfume. To keep quills or powder fresh, keep them in a cold, dark area inside an airtight container. When stored this way, ground cinnamon can last around six months before getting stale while quills will last about a year. Store cinnamon in the refrigerator to increase its shelf life. If the cinnamon no longer smells pleasant, it is stale and should be thrown away.

☟︎︎︎ For what else cinnamon is used ☟︎︎︎

Cinnamon quills and essential oil are fragrant and can be used in sachets and room fresheners. Some people use the oil to alleviate toothaches and oral infections as well as to combat foul breath. There are numerous other health benefits associated with cinnamon but has been previously saying there is little scientific evidence to recommend its use for a specific health problem and there are hazards associated with swallowing large amounts of it.

 Cinnamon recipes 

Cinnamon sticks can be used to flavor a dish or sauce while cooking and then discarded before serving. Ground cinnamon can be added to baked items, desserts, savory dishes, and beverages or dusted on top. Cinnamon essence, when used judiciously may brighten a variety of foods. The options are limitless!

  • Make your own Honey Granola with just the right amount of spice.
  • Make a batch of Nutty Date cookies with a hint of cinnamon to treat yourself.
  • Make Cinnamon-Baked Pumpkin instead of pumpkin pie for a quick and healthful treat!
  • Bake Winter Squash and Chicken Tzimmes to get a taste of cinnamon's savory side (a Passover-friendly dish that is perfect for a Seder meal).
  • Grab the cinnamon sticks and make an Alcohol-free Hot Toddy when the weather gets cool.