Element: Fire(🜂 )

Planet: The sun(☀️)

Gender: Masculine(♂️)

Zodiac: Leo()

Rosemary is widespread in southern France and other Mediterranean regions. In the spring and summer seasons, the rosemary plant put out delicate blue flowers.

  • In the Middle Ages, people wore rosemary around their necks to protect themselves from the "evil spirits."
  • Rosemary was burned in hospitals in France and used to purify the air.
  • The ancient Greeks used rosemary to prevent nightmares.
  • Rosemary is a strong and fragrant plant.

To prevent bad dreams sleep with a mojo bag filled with rosemary beneath your pillow. It's far stated that he (or she) who sleeps with rosemary underneath the pillow can be covered from all ways of harm while dozing. To scotch, a lifeless person’s stressed spirit from haunting you by way of your dreams forged a sprig of rosemary into his or her gave. In keeping with occult lore, this may permit the spirit to relax peacefully.

In modern-day times, rosemary is used for enhancing move and warming cold arms and legs, as well as for improving the arrival of hair and skin. This herb has an all-around energetic exceptional of clarification, purification, and rejuvenation. This rosemary plant which is considered sacred to the goddess Aphrodite can be seen in many of her images. Rosemary is a popular herbal plant for enhancing memory and helping remember dreams or past lives.

 If you can grow this plant in your backyard, you will also be able to minimize the nuisance caused by mosquitoes and flies. The fragrance of the blue flowers of this plant can repel mosquitoes.

 Rosemary oil can have the same effect as the doctor's prescription for hair loss within 6 months.  So you can mix 10-12 drops of rosemary oil in your shampoo and use it daily for maximum results.

☟︎︎︎  Benefits of using rosemary ☟︎︎︎

1. Helps to lose weight gradually

2. Cures cancer

Rosemary acid and caffeic acid in rosemary prevent cancer of various organs.

3. Supports digestion and eliminates obesity                  

The composition of the microorganisms affects your digestion and absorption. Rosemary supports the growth of those species (Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium...etc.).It helps in fibre selection and lipid breakdown. This prevents obesity.

6. Preserve your youth

Rosemary contains potent antioxidants and antimicrobial phytochemicals. This substance brightens the skin and gives a youthful, fresh, and radiant look.

7. An excellent antibiotic additive

Traditional medicine used rosemary leaves to treat hypoglycemia (lowering blood glucose levels).

8. Control stress and anxiety     

Incorporating herbal teas such as rosemary tea into your diet can bring about significant changes in your stress levels. Stress can be caused by a variety of circumstances, including school tests. Inhaling rosemary oil before an exam can help you relax. Because elevated pulse rates are a sign of short-term tension and anxiety, rosemary oil may help to relieve stress naturally.

9. Promote your hair growth   

Rosemary improves blood circulation (oxygen and nutrient transport) in your hair and contributes to hair growth. Antioxidants treat fungal infections on your scalp and give you healthy hair. Rosemary oil protects your hair follicles from being destroyed by a byproduct of testosterone, which is the cause of androgenetic alopecia. Androgen etic alopecia, often known as male pattern baldness, is one of the most frequent causes of hair loss, though it can also affect women. Men with androgenic alopecia who massaged diluted rosemary oil twice daily into their scalp for six months saw the same rise in hair thickness as those who used minoxidil (Rogaine), a popular hair growth therapy.

10. Relieve inflammation and pain   

These herbs have antinociceptive properties. It can cure your painful joints, inflammation, and painful allergies. Rosemary oil is used as a pain reliever in folk medicine. Preliminary research suggests that it may be more helpful than acetaminophen in relieving pain. According to preliminary research, rosemary oil may help reduce tissue inflammation, which can cause swelling, discomfort, and stiffness. It could do so by preventing white blood cells from migrating to wounded tissues and releasing inflammatory chemicals.

11. Protect your liver from damage   

Rosemary prevents the formation of harmful peroxide in the liver and protects the structural integrity of hepatocytes. According to animal studies, rosemary oil may boost the production of bile, which is necessary for fat digestion, as well as activate your own antioxidant defence mechanisms to protect your liver.

12. For proper brain function

Inhaling rosemary oil helps to keep acetylcholine, a brain chemical vital for thinking, focus, and breathing, from breaking down. Additionally, rosemary and other essential oils may improve Brain Function in older adults with dementia, such as those with Alzheimer's disease memory.

13. For pest control

Consider using rosemary oil to repel dangerous insects that may bite you or infest your garden as a natural alternative to chemical treatments. Eco Tool, a rosemary-oil-based pesticide, reduced the number of two-spotted spider mites by 52 per cent without hurting the plants when sprayed on greenhouse tomato plants.

Rosemary can also help to keep viruses and bacteria away from blood-sucking insects.

14. Increase the circulation

Circulation problems are a typical complaint. It's particularly noticeable in your hands and feet. Rosemary oil is worth considering if you have cold fingers and toes, even in quite mild temperatures. When she rubbed her hands with a rosemary oil combination, she discovered that it worked better than neutral oil at warming her fingers. Thermal imaging verified these effects.

☞︎︎︎ How to use rosemary

.Inhaling rosemary oil

Rosemary oil can be used topically or breathed. Because it's so concentrated, only a few drops should be used at a time. Plastic droppers are included in the little vials that make dispensing single drips easier. Although some manufacturers say that swallowing or consuming their essential oils is safe, there is no scientific evidence to back this up, especially over time. It is never a good idea to swallow essential oils.

To inhale rosemary oil, simply open the container and breathe in deeply. Alternatively, a few drops can be placed on a rag or tissue and held near your face. Aromatherapy diffusers, which disperse essential oils into the air, are used by many individuals. In general, keep a diffuser away from newborns and small children because it's difficult to determine how much they're breathing. When you apply rosemary or other essential oils to your skin, they are quickly absorbed into your bloodstream.

.Applying oil

Essential oils should always be diluted with a neutral carrier oil like jojoba oil. This helps to keep your skin from being irritated and the oil from evaporating too quickly. Once the oil has been diluted, apply it to the bottoms of your feet or the body part you're targeting, such as a sore muscle. Massage the oil into your skin after that. This aids in the circulation of blood and the absorption of oil. Use rosemary and other essential oils sparingly on damaged skin or near sensitive areas like your eyes. If you're pregnant, have epilepsy, or have high blood pressure and you should avoid rosemary oil. The latter two conditions may be aggravated by rosemary oil.