Element: Fire(🜂 )

Planet: Mars & Sun

Gender: Masculine(♂)

Zodiac: Aries(), Sagittarius() & Scorpio(

Ginger is a plant native to Southeast Asia and is now widely grown in almost every country. Ginger helps maintain good physical health and the "Kama Sutra," also states it is also used to enhance sexual intercourse. Ginger has been used as a spice since ancient times. It is widely used in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine. According to some sources, ginger was used as a medicine by the Roman army during the reign of Emperor Nero. Evidence suggests that ginger was imported into Europe as a spice by 1547.

In witchcraft, ginger is used as a candle made of powdered ginger for rituals related to love or in combination with other substances such as cinnamon. Also, ginger has a special place in the rituals required for healing, wealth, success, and maintaining strong relationships. It is believed that when a person chews a piece of ginger or while drinking ginger juice, the person can easily achieve his goal and his magical abilities and personality are enhanced.

☟︎︎︎ Medicinal properties of ginger ☟︎︎︎

1. For coughs and colds 

Ginger contains antiviral and antifungal properties. Ginger is a powerful remedy for many ailments such as coughs and colds. 

2. For stomach ache 

Ginger stimulates the secretion of enzymes needed for digestion and facilitates proper digestion. Therefore, ginger is a commonly used remedy for conditions such as indigestion and dyspnea.

3. For cancer 

Ginger also can fight cancer cells such as colon cancer, prostate cancer, and skin cancer. 

4. To migraine 

Ginger helps to alleviate the symptoms of a migraine.

5. To gynaecological diseases 

Ginger is also a good remedy for menstrual cramps, menstrual bleeding, and menstrual irregularities. Drinking a mixture of ginger on menstrual days can greatly reduce the condition. 

6. For a toothache 

In addition to the above ailments, ginger also helps in relieving toothache. Many herbal kinds of toothpaste also contain ginger. In addition, ginger is considered to be of great value in lowering cholesterol levels in the body, removing vascular blockages, and preventing heart attacks.

7. Help in weight loss

  • Ginger has been founded as a remedy for help in weight loss.
  • In persons with overweight or obesity, ginger supplementation significantly lowered body weight, waist-hip ratio, and hip ratio.
  • Also found that Body mass index (BMI) is also getting reduced from ginger. Ginger may also help reduce blood insulin levels. High insulin levels in the blood cause obesity.

8. Better for osteoarthritis

It is characterized by the deterioration of the body's joints, resulting in symptoms such as joint pain and stiffness and osteoarthritis is a frequent condition. According to one study, participants who used ginger to treat their OA experienced considerable pain and disability decreases.

9. Helps indigestion

Recurrent pain and discomfort in the upper portion of the stomach characterize chronic dyspepsia. A delay in the stomach's emptying is regarded to be the cause of indigestion. Intriguingly, ginger has been shown to speed up the emptying of the stomach.

10. Lower the cholesterol level

Bad cholesterol levels (LDL) above a certain threshold are associated with an increased risk of heart disease. Foods you eat might have a big impact on your LDL levels. People with hyperlipidemia consumed can lower their LDL from consuming ginger-pasted powder. The ginger extract reduced bad cholesterol (LDL) in a comparable way to atorvastatin a cholesterol-lowering medication.

11. Improve brain functions

  • Chronic inflammation and oxidative stress can hasten the ageing process.
  • They're thought to be one of the main causes of Alzheimer's disease and cognitive impairment as people get older.
  • Ginger's antioxidants and bioactive compounds have been shown in animal tests to help lessen inflammatory reactions in the brain.
  • Ginger has also been shown to increase brain function directly. Daily ginger extract doses have been shown to improve reaction time and working memory.
  • Gingerol can help to keep infections at bay. In reality, ginger extract has been shown to suppress the growth of a variety of germs.

12. For morning sickness

In some women taking ginger by mouth during pregnancy appears to lessen nausea and vomiting. However, it may function slowly or less effectively than some anti-nausea medications.

13. For loss of appetite

Chewing ginger with lemon and black salt could help you regain your appetite. If you've been experiencing the same symptoms, you might want to try this home treatment to help you regain your appetite.

14. Reduce joint pain

Ginger has a lot of anti-inflammatory properties that can help with joint pain. “It can be eaten, utilized as medication, dried powder or fresh root slices". So many advantages are given from a single stem! So no waiting is needed. Take advantage of ginger's various therapeutic and healing properties right away.

☞︎︎︎ Ways ginger can be used 

  • Ginger can be powdered or juiced, and it can be used in a variety of ways. It's conceivable that some of the trials' findings changed because the researchers employed various ginger formulations. One research group, for example, combined ginger with other ingredients like honey. There is no evidence to promote one type of ginger over another because researchers have not conducted experiments using the same ginger preparations.
  • Anyone contemplating ginger as a diarrhoea therapy should experiment with different formulations until they find one that works.
  • Drinking ginger tea is a common and healthy way to ingest ginger. One or two teaspoons of grated, chopped, or powdered ginger can be steeped in hot water to make ginger tea at home.
  • Allow for several minutes of brewing time, and strain if necessary. Taste and add lemon or honey as desired. Teabags with ginger are also frequently available. Ginger can also be eaten Rawley,  crushed up in a smoothie, or used sparingly as a condiment. It has a powerful flavour that some people may find overpowering, so mixing it with something else may make it more acceptable. Ginger snaps' sugar and other components may irritate the stomach and raise blood sugar levels.

• Dosing of ginger

Ginger is often used in dishes and drinks as a flavour. Ginger is accessible in a variety of forms as medication, including teas, syrups, pills, and liquid extracts. Adults have traditionally taken 0.5 - 3 grams of ginger each day the oral for up to 12 weeks. Topical gels, ointments, and aromatherapy essential oils containing ginger are also available. Consult a healthcare professional to determine the optimal product and dosage for specific problems.