Element  Fire(🜂 )

Planet: Mars

Gender: Masculine(♂)

Zodiac: Aries(♈️)

Garlic is a plant native to Central Asia, and today extends to South Asia and Siberia. In ancient times, garlic was mainly used to Protect against Vampires.

      ☟︎︎︎ Below are some legends about it ☟︎︎︎

  • The Rumanians rubbed hundreds of garlic on windows and doors to chase away vampires and put garlic in the mouths of dead people. Then similar legends have been reported in China and Malaysia, where it is said that garlic was rubbed on the heads of children to protect them from vampires.
  • According to some sources, ancient Roman soldiers ate garlic before the war to gain strength and courage.

Garlic is mostly utilized forwarding, banishing, and protection. When put around the house or inwards, it provides protection from break-ins. It protects against nightmares when used in sleep charms. It's used to ward off negative energy and unwanted spirits. This could most likely be extended to eliminate undesired mindsets, habits, emotions, and so on. It can shield the user from rumors and psychic attacks, and it can be employed in practically any type of ward.

Garlic is used in modern magic to maintain good health and eliminate negativity during an epidemicGarlic is also used to protect against thieves and is also used for Voodoo. Garlic is very close to the Sect of Goddess Hecateand it is used in some witchcraft in honor of her. Garlic is eaten by witches at certain festivals in honor of the Goddess Hecate. They use garlic to associate with the Goddess Hecate, and they also perform a magic trick using cloves and garlic to express their gratitude to her.

☞︎︎︎ Are there any health benefits of eating garlic?

• There is experimental evidence that garlic has the potential to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.

• Research in China has shown that men who eat a piece of garlic have a 50% lower risk of developing prostate cancer.

• After 8 weeks of testing, it was found that people who ate more garlic were less likely to be bitten by ticks.

• Another experiment found that ajoene, a natural chemical found in garlic, had antifungal properties.

• Some research has shown that garlic reduces the risk of colon and rectal cancer. Also, several types of research have shown that ingesting garlic powder in people with high blood pressure can lower blood pressure by as much as 7 - 8%.

• Lower the cholesterol level

LDL and total cholesterol levels can be lowered by garlic. When it comes to LDL (or "bad") and HDL (or "good") cholesterol, garlic appears to lower LDL but has no consistent effect on HDL. Another established risk factor for heart disease is high triglyceride levels; however, garlic appears to have little effect on triglyceride levels.

• A Good antioxidant

The aging process is aided by oxidative damage caused by free radicals. Garlic is abundant in antioxidants, which support the body's natural antioxidant defenses. Garlic supplements at high doses have been found to boost antioxidant enzymes in humans and lower oxidative stress in those with high blood pressure. The antioxidant qualities as well as the combined impact on lowering cholesterol and blood pressure may lessen the risk of major brain disorders including Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

• Give a long life

In humans, the effects of garlic on longevity are virtually impossible to confirm. However, considering garlic's favorable impact on critical risk factors such as blood pressure, it's reasonable to believe that it could help you live longer. Its ability to combat infectious disease is also a significant issue, as infections are prevalent causes of death, particularly among the elderly and those with compromised immune systems.

• Enhance the Performance

One of the first “performance-enhancing” drugs was garlic. It was commonly utilized in ancient cultures to alleviate weariness and increase laborers' workability. Garlic oil reduced peak heart rate by 12% and improved exercise capacity in those with heart disease who took it for 6 weeks.

• Detoxify heavy metals in the body

Garlic's sulfur components have been demonstrated to protect against organ damage caused by heavy metal toxicity at large levels. Garlic reduced lead levels in the blood by 19% in a four-week study of employees at a car battery plant (excessive exposure to lead). Many clinical symptoms of toxicity, such as headaches and blood pressure were also reduced.

Black garlic

Black garlic is raw garlic that has been fermented for several weeks under controlled high temperature, high-humidity conditions. Black garlic has a milder flavor and a more delicate, sticky mouthfeel than raw garlic in addition to having black cloves. Black garlic also has several health benefits that may outweigh the benefits of raw unaged garlic. 

☞︎︎︎ Benefits of Black garlic ☟︎︎︎

1. Possess more antioxidants

Black garlic has significantly more antioxidants than raw garlic due to the fermenting process. This is large because as black garlic ferments, allicin the molecule that gives garlic its pungent odor when crushed is transformed into antioxidant compounds including alkaloids and flavonoids. Antioxidants are molecules that protect your cells from oxidative damage which can lead to a variety of ailments if left unchecked. Antioxidants are mostly consumed through plant foods, such as garlic.

2. Regulate blood sugar level

Black garlic has been found in studies to help manage blood sugar reduce the risk of gestational diabetes and even protect against the harm caused by uncontrolled diabetes. However, more investigation into these effects in humans is required.

3. Reduce the Risk of Heart diseases

Black garlic may help lower triglycerides and LDL (bad) cholesterol, two heart disease markers. For some people, it may also raise HDL (good) cholesterol.

4. For Brain Health

Black garlic compounds may protect the brain against memory loss and degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's. However, more research into these potential human consequences is needed.

5. Have anti-cancer properties

In several cancer-related types of research, black garlic was found to have better immune-boosting, antioxidant and anticancer properties than raw garlic.

6. Protect the liver

Black garlic may have a protective impact on the liver, shielding it from injury, ordinary chemical exposure, and even chronic alcohol consumption.