Element: Water(🜄)

Planet: The sun(), Moon(🌕)

Gender: Feminine(♀)

Zodiac: Cancer(), Pisces()

It is not possible to say exactly in which country the lemon plant originated. But the origin of the lemon is considered to be in Pakistan or the Punjab province of India or China. The aroma and color of lemon attract positive energy. Half of the lemon reflects the beauty of the sun. Lemon is also used as an energizing cleanser to remove negative energies and is one of the main ingredients used in working with moon gods and lunar energy. Lemon oil is also used in self-cleaning and lemon is also used in home cleaning.

☟︎︎︎ Uses of Lemon for 10 daily activities ☟︎︎︎

1. For a bright white color

To make your white cloth brighter, soak it in a mixture of lemon juice and baking soda for at least half an hour before washing.

2. Manicure

This is very popular among women. This means that hand washing can be done easily by adding lemon juice and hot water. It is very valuable for our women who do not have time to go to the salon.

3. To get rid of brown spots on the face

These spots occur when the skin is exposed to too much sun. Take a slice of lemon and rub it all over the face. You will definitely get a good result.

4. To facilitate digestion

In the morning, drink a glass of warm lemon juice with honey. It facilitates digestion and also helps in immunity.

5. To prepare the dining table properly

If it is time to eat by hand, you can place a bowl of lemon juice on the table.

6. If the vegetable cutting board is dirty, here is the solution

A slice of lemon is enough for this job. To do this, clean the cutting board thoroughly with a sponge soaked in lemon juice. Then let it dry for 10 - 15 minutes and do the same again.

7. For a refreshing aroma

This is the best solution to get rid of the odor in your fridge with fish storage. You can use a sponge soaked in lemon juice for this.

8. To get rid of unpleasant odors in shoes

Put a few lemon peels in the shoes and remove them in a few hours.

9. As a candle holder

You can easily create this candle by pouring wax into a lemon bag with the middle part removed. Don't forget to add a thread before pouring the wax. This design brings a unique beauty that is different from what you see every day in decorating.

10. To remove black spots under the hands

This is also a problem we all have. Before taking a bath, cut the lime in half and rub it on your armpit area. You will get good results in 7 days.