Element: Air(🜁 )

Planet: Venus

Gender: Masculine(♂️)

Zodiac: Aquarius(),Virgo()

Indigenous to Europe and the Middle East, the mint is now found in many countries. Indigenous Europeans and Asians have used this plant as a medicine for thousands of years. Mint has been used extensively in several Egyptian pyramids, as well as in ancient Japanese and Chinese folk medicine.

Icelandic people utilized mint to whiten their teeth in the 13th century. Today, many types of toothpaste still have a mint flavour. Mint is also associated with Hades because the Greeks employed it to mask the smell of dead bodies during burial rites. Inside mint leaves such as limonene, menthone, and menthol. Mint is also considered to incite loveThe smoke from burning mint leaves leads to a good night's sleep and does not cause nightmares and mint increases the vibrations of a space that is perfect for releasing negative energy. 

Some of the magical properties of mint are healing, protection, prosperity, luck, love, travel, dreams, communication, and strength. Mint brings a cool freshness to food. Mint is also used in meat dishes such as chicken, pork and and in many dishes, including vegetable salads and gazpacho.

When ants come into the kitchen, gently crushing a few stems of mint at potential access points deters them. Mint isn't just used to keep bugs away; it also attracts helpful insects. Mint is loved by bees, butterflies, and hoverflies because it is high in nectar and pollen, which promotes pollinated plants and crops. The menthol contained in mint relaxes muscles, relieves aches and pains in the body, and helps with nausea and diarrhoea.

  Drink mint leaf tea to maintain proper digestion, cool the body and burn body fat. 

𑁍 Ingredients for Mint Tea: -

 A few mint leaves
 A kettle to boil water

𑁍 How to make: -

Allow the water to boil. When the water boils, add the well-washed mint leaves. Put on low heat for 5 minutes. Then strain the tea. Now your tea is ready to drink.

 ATTN: Do not drink this tea in the evening. Drink as much in the morning as possible. Because according to Ayurveda, some herbal teas may have some risk of side effects.

  Mint for glowing and smooth skin 

1.     Take a bundle of mint leaves and grind them to make a thick paste.

2.     Then add a teaspoon or two of yoghurt to the mixture and mix well.

3.     Now apply the paste to your face.

4.     Then let the paste dry on your face.

5.     After drying, wash your face thoroughly and apply the moisturizer you use.

☟︎︎︎ Following are some of the major uses of mint ☟︎︎︎

.Rich in nutrients

Mint is precisely high in vitamin A.  This is a fat-soluble vitamin that is essential for eye health and night vision. It is also a good source of antioxidants when compared to other herbs and spices Antioxidants help to avoid oxidative stress, which is a type of cell damage brought on by free radicals.

.Improve irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a digestive disorder that affects a large number of people. Stomach pain, gas, bloating and stool abnormalities are all indications of this condition. Although dietary changes and medication are traditional treatments for IBS, research suggests that taking peppermint oil as a herbal remedy may also be useful.

Peppermint oil includes a chemical known as menthol, which is thought to help relieve IBS symptoms by relaxing the muscles in the digestive tract. Mint may also aid in the relief of other digestive problems such as indigestion and stomach distress. Indigestion can occur when food sits in the stomach for too long before passing through the rest of the digestive tract. Food passes through the stomach faster when people consume peppermint oil with their meals, which could help ease symptoms of this type of indigestion.

.Better for brain function

Breathing the scent of the plant's essential oils, in addition to eating mint, is thought to provide health benefits, including improved brain function. It has been found that inhaling the aroma of peppermint oil improves memory significantly. Inhaling these oils while driving enhanced alertness and lowered annoyance, anxiety, and weariness, according to another study.

.Reduce breastfeeding pain

Breastfeeding women frequently experience sore and cracked nipples, making the process painful and difficult. Some past studies have shown that applying mint to the skin has decreased the pain that occurs during breastfeeding.

✫It.Good for bad breath

When it comes to preventing or treating bad breath, mint-flavoured chewing gum and breath mints are frequently used. According to specialists, the majority of these remedies can disguise foul-smelling breath for a few hours. However, they just mask foul breath and do little to address the bacteria or other substances that cause it in the first place.

.For cuisine

Mint can be easily added to green salads, desserts, smoothies, and even water. Peppermint tea is an absolutely suitable and popular way for those who get into the diet. Many of the studies that reveal mint's health advantages, on the other hand, did not include consuming the leaves with food. Instead, mint was taken as a tablet, applied topically, or inhaled as an aromatherapy treatment. Consider what you want to achieve and how the plant was used in the study for that goal when using mint for health.

The following list is some of the tips to use mint.

  • To relieve foul breath, eat fresh or dried leaves.
  • Inhaling essential oils can help with memory and cold symptoms.
  • Breastfeeding nipple pain can be relieved by applying it to the skin.
  • Capsules taken with food may assist with IBS and indigestion.