Element: Water(🜄 )

Planet: Venus

Gender: Feminine(♀️)

Zodiac: Taurus(), Gemini()

Catnip is native to Europe, Asia, and Africa and is currently found in North America. As a member of the mint family, catnip is a plant with oval teeth and dark green and purple flowers. As the name implies, it may have its origin in the Latin word cat, criteria. But it comes from an Etruscan city called Septic.

Growing Place:- Plant that grows in dry climate and decomposing places.

  • Size: two to three feet tall
  • Container: ten inches in diameter
  • Light: Full sun to partial shade
  • Soil: Rich, well-drained
  • Plant: Seeds, cuttings, or divisions
  • Botanical name: Nepeta cataria
  • Plant type: Perennial
  • Sacred to Bast

You can plant catnip around your home to attract friendly people and positive energy. Witches give their cats catnip and develop a mental bond between them.🐈 Catnip is famous for being used for romantic spelling, but it is not for romantic love. It is love between friends,  family, and animals.

Nutrients in catnip:- Protein, Carbohydrates, Calcium, Fat, Fiber, Phosphorus, Iron, and Vitamin C

Medicinal properties of catnip:- Catnip can cure several ailments such as bladder diseases, skin diseases, constipation, nervous system diseases, cough, asthma, fever, toothache, earache, migraine, arthritis, burns, and insomnia.

  • Grinding catnip leaves in water and applying it to the lower abdomen, removes urinary retention.
  • Catnip leaves are crushed and applied to the burn.
  • Hemorrhoids can be cured by temping all parts of the catnip plant with sesame oil.
  • Catnip cooked with red onion is very good for asthma.
  • The leaves and shoots of catnip have been used to flavour sauces, soups, and stews, as well as many patented beverages, fruit table wines, and liquors.
  • Catnip leaves and blossoms have been used in herbal drinks since at least 1735, according to the General Irish Herbal. The plant has been used medicinally to alleviate intestinal cramps, and indigestion, promote sweating, acts as a sedative, and enhance appetite.
  • Catnip tea can help women or girls with delayed menstruation receive their periods by stimulating uterine contractions. It may also aid in the evacuation of the placenta after childbirth.
  • Diarrhea, colic, the common cold, and cancer have all been treated with the plant. Nervous problems, stomach aches, rashes, and the common cold have all been treated with catnip tea in Appalachia.
  • The dried leaves have been smoked to help with respiratory issues and a poultice has been applied to the skin to help with oedema. Catnip was allegedly smoked for its euphoric effects in the 1960s.    

Catnip has been regarded to have medicinal effects for a long time. This is traditionally done using its dried leaves and white blooms. Both of these ingredients can be used to brew tea, which is sometimes used to alleviate insomnia, anxiety, and headaches. The roots of catnip can be employed in some circumstances. These, on the other hand, function as a simulator rather than a relaxant.

☕︎ Catnip Tea ☕︎

Catnip tea is most typically used to alleviate uneasiness and anxiety, as well as associated symptoms such as indigestion and insomnia that these disorders can produce. It can be used to treat indigestion, cramps, and gas as well as other gastrointestinal disorders and symptoms. It has diuretic properties, meaning it increases urine and so reduces water retention. This could be beneficial in the treatment of a variety of ailments.

Catnip tea has been used to cure arthritis, coughs, hives, fevers, and infections for centuries. The most important health advantage of catnip tea is the relaxing impact it has on the body. Nepetalactone, found in catnip, is comparable to the valepotriates found in valerian a popular herbal sedative. This can help you relax. Trusted Source, which has been shown to improve mood as well as lessen anxiety, restlessness, and uneasiness.

All cats love this plant. Because when these animals have a stomach ache, they take this tree and eat it. Then their stomach ache will be cured. These animals are very attracted to this plant. Because of the smell emitted by this plant. The smell is felt by these animals up to 50 meters away. It releases a chemical called "France lecta lactone". Even the well-known chemical DDT, is used in antiseptic spray equipment. It is inactive at a concentration of 1%. But this catnip plant affects mosquitoes even at very low concentrations.