You've let it burn if you're just getting started with magic. Any magical arsenal would be incomplete without candles. They are used to augment and release energy, and they may be left unlit around your pad to promote good sentiments, or they can be lit in rituals and spells.

The element of fire, which signifies transformation, lies at the heart of candle magic. Whether it's converting a love letter into ashes or raising water to a boil for mac & cheese, fire alters everything it comes into touch with. You're using candle magic to tap into this shifting energy, promoting and hastening changes in your life.

You'll need a selection of coloured candles in your toolbox

  • White: fosters tranquillity and peace while also increasing personal strength and understanding.
  • Green: aids in the realisation of your ideas and increases prosperity. Please accept my thanks.
  • Yellow: improves your networking and social abilities, resulting in new job prospects.
  • Pink: This one is for love. A pink candle placed at your front entrance will welcome love into your home.
  • Orange: encourages ambition and helps you to widen your horizons. Get your right way!
  • Brown: helps you with all of your resources (such as health, vitality, belongings, pets, endurance, and bravery).
  • Red promotes love, sex, and passion.
  • Purple enhances spiritual awareness and creativity.
  • Blue interacts with your chakras as well as any unresolved emotional traumas.
  • Black is used for mental protection.

So, are you ready to light it up? Here's what you should do

Step 1: What are you hoping to achieve?

Consider what you'd like to include in your life. Be specific, realistic, upbeat, and considerate. (Don't wish terrible things on others, no matter how annoying they are. Allow karma to take care of it.) Clarify your purpose in a single statement, such as "I need to get a job that pays more and excites me."

Step 2: Conjure up your magic.

Simply visualizing your goal, saying a sentence, and lighting the candle to unleash the energy is the simplest candle magic ritual. Job well done.

Choose the colour of the candle with consideration. Choose one that relates to the nature of your aim, such as yellow for a job hunt. You may also wish to surround the candle with related crystals, herbs, or flowers to intensify the positive energy.

To advance, look into astrological placements to ensure that your ceremony is aligned with the correct energy from the universe. If you're looking for love, you should recommend waiting till Venus is in Libra. If you want to bring new possibilities into your life, a New Moon is a good time to do so. Naturally, unless you want to play Russian roulette with the outcome of your magic, avoid Mercury Retrograde.

You might even write a chant, poem, or song about your aim. I know that seems foolish, but trust me when I say that it helps improve your dedication to and resonance with your aim.

Step 3: Increase the power of your spell's level.

To establish more concentrated intents, mix & match the candles. Combine a red (sex) and a pink (love) candle in your ritual if you desire wonderful sex and true love in your next marriage (yes, please).

You might use a yellow (expression) and white (healing) candle to balance the mood before having and healing from a challenging task.

Alternatively, consider a green (creativity) and orange (ambition and success) candle combination if you want to gain money from your creative abilities. If you wish to project protection and healing onto a loved one who is going through anything, bring in black (protection) and blue (healing) candles to double your psychic care package.

Burn a purple (spiritual enlightenment) and an orange (personal accomplishment) candle to get signals about your ultimate destiny in life.

Step 4: Decorate the candle.

This is essential. You want to establish a psychic connection between the candle, yourself, and your desired outcome. "Dressing the candle" is the term for this.

First, massage the candle with oil (any oil would do, such as almond, coconut, or jojoba). If you like essential oils, you may add those in as well). To attract objects to you, rub the candle from top to bottom, or from bottom to top to repel them. Focus on your goal and mentally pour that image into the candle while you massage the candle with oil (cover the entire surface but skip the wick). Chanting is beneficial. You may notice that your hands begin to tingle or become extremely warm. This is a good indicator that the energy is flowing and the magic is at work.

Continue treating the candle for a few minutes, or until you feel it. If names, numbers, or symbols are crucial to your spell, scratch them into the wax.

Step 5: Light it up.

Okay, now you're ready for some magic. Take a few deep breaths, relax, and imagine your concerns or thoughts flowing away from you. Clear your thoughts.

Then begin to imagine your objective as though it has already occurred. Consider how you'd feel and what your life would be like if you were in this situation. Repeat your chant/song/poem or state your purpose aloud when you have a clear mental image. When you feel almost full of your goal's energy and positive thoughts, light the candle.

Imagine the aura of the candle (the light just outside the flame) getting larger and larger until it fills the room. Then imagine it expanding beyond the room and into space, beaming out and sending a signal to you, bringing your purpose to you. Keep this image in your mind as long as you possibly can. Blow out the candle when you see your energy decreasing or becoming distracted, and you're done.

Have fun casting spells!