Element: Water(🜄 )

Planet: Venus

Gender: Feminine(♀️)

Zodiac: Cancer(♋︎)

There are about 26 varieties of aloe vera in the world. Examples: - Chinese Aloe, Indian Aloe, True Aloe, Barbados Aloe, Burn Aloe, First Aid Plant. Aloe vera is an evergreen perennial that grows in tropical, subtropical, and arid climates around the world. Although it originates in the Arabian Peninsula. The aloe vera plant is mainly used in the Wiccan tradition for cosmetic purposes, home protection, oral hygiene, and regular metabolism. Using aloe vera as a food or medicine helps to increase the oxygen level in the blood and strengthens the cells in the body.

☟︎︎︎ Medicinal properties of aloe vera☟︎︎︎

  • The digestive system is carried out systematically.
  • It is good for eye diseases such as eye inflammation and cataracts.
  • Increase the activity of the liver and protects the liver.
  • It protects the youth due to its antioxidant properties.
  • Prevent sagging skin caused by aging.
  • Protect skin moisture.
  • Control inflammation of the urethra.
  • Cures constipation.
  • Improve better digestion.
  • Control uterine temperature and produces offspring.
  • Controls pain during menstruation in women. Cures pulmonary oedema.
  • Prevent dandruff and promotes hair growth. Beneficial for leukaemia patients and arthritis patients.
  • Prevent sun damage to the skin.
  • Controls obesity.
  • Prevent overweighting and nourishes the body.

☞︎︎︎ How to make a cleanser, scrub, toner, and moisturizer at home using natural aloe vera?


Separate the juice from the aloe vera and add a little honey to the juice, apply it to the face and cleanse well.


Put some rice flour on a piece of chopped aloe and apply it to the face in a circular motion.
[Twice a week is enough.]


Separate the juice from the chopped aloe vera. Then add two tablespoons of rose water and two tablespoons of water. Then mix it well and put it in an empty bottle and use it.
[This can be kept in the fridge and used for about a week.]


To moisturize the skin, apply aloe vera juice on the face and leave it on for about an hour.

Aloe Vera also,

Good for diabetics’ patients

Consuming two tablespoons of aloe Vera juice every day for two weeks helped lower the blood sugar levels among persons with type 2 diabetes. The triglyceride levels also improved, which may offer further benefits for diabetics: They have a higher risk of heart disease, which is linked to elevated triglyceride and cholesterol levels.

Lower the blood pressure

It was observed that aloe vera powder helped both groups lower their asystolic and diastolic blood pressures after three and six months of treatment. This is because aloe vera contains two anti-inflammatory components such as aloe-Emodin and Aloin, which have previously been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties in both rats and in vitro models.

☞︎︎︎ How aloe vera is used today?

  • The aloe vera plant has two medicinally valuable components. To begin a clear gel is poured into the leaves. This plant-derived gel is typically applied to the skin to treat burns and other skin problems. Orally, the gel is also available in liquid or capsule form.
  • Aloe latex is the second material produced by the plant. This is the golden pulp located just beneath the plant leaf's outer surface. Aloe latex has been demonstrated to have laxative qualities, and it's commonly used to treat constipation orally.
  • The emergence of aloe-based drinks, such as aloe vera juice and aloe vera water is the most recent aloe vera fad. Aloe vera juice is made by mixing plant juices with citrus juice or water to make aloe vera water.
  • Because aloe vera can be harsh on its own, several companies add flavour or sweeteners to the bottle. Examine the bottle's ingredients to ensure it doesn't include any added sugar.

☞︎︎︎ Some of the methods to use aloe vera.

 A way to keep fruit fresh, aloe vera gel applied to the outside of tomatoes delayed ripening, improved quality and freshness, and inhibited the growth of specific bacteria.

 It's a mouthwash. According to an earlier study, aloe vera mouthwash has been demonstrated to minimize plaque growth on teeth in the short term. When given the option of using aloe vera mouthwash, regular saline, or chlorhexidine gluconate mouthwash to rinse their mouths.

 As a numbing agent Aspirin's anti-inflammatory properties are due to salicylic acid a chemical found naturally in aloe vera. Oral aloe vera may help relieve chronic pain that isn't caused by cancer, such as pain in people with osteoarthritis. A modest amount of aloe vera given topically can reduce inflammation caused by minor irritants while further human research is needed.

☟︎︎︎ Tips to grow aloe vera at home. ☟︎︎︎ 

  1. Growing aloe vera at home is simple. It's a succulent that enjoys dry, warm regions, so it doesn't require daily watering. It won't suffer from a lack of watering; in fact, it may benefit from it, as this drought-tolerant plant thrives in dry environments. You should avoid overwatering the plan and if you keep it outside, make sure to keep it covered when it rains.
  2. Aloe vera plants, which can reach a height of one to two feet and a width of one foot, thrive in tropical climes. You won't be able to leave it outside all year unless you live in Hawaii, Southern California, or Southern Florida. However, you can easily put it in a pot and bring it inside when the weather cools down (ideally any time it gets close to 50 degrees F or coolers). A good aloe vera plant requires a lot of light, so put it outside in the sun or on a sunny ledge inside.
  3. When placing your aloe vera plant in a container, choose a shallow, broad bowl to allow the roots to move and spread as they grow. Around the plant's base, fresh seeds will develop, which you can harvest and transfer into a new pot.

☟︎︎︎ Storing of aloe vera. ☟︎︎︎

Aloe vera gel and aloe vera juice should be stored in a cool, non-humid environment, such as at room temperature or in the refrigerator. Humidity and temperature can have an impact on a product's shelf life. That's why aloe vera juice is commonly found in amber-coloured bottles. According to previous studies, the black bottle is designed to prevent light from damaging the active components.